Created on June 13, 2024
Via Provinciale, 26, 22040 Anzano del Parco CO, Italy

Biophilia - Part one

This is the first part of a big artwork I created in a old factory in Italy, a big 370 m2 wall with two characters. On the right, a young mother nature with leaves in her hair and a sweet look embraces a peacock while on the left a more enigmatic female figure (a sort of sibyl) supports a young woman fox. A robin sits on her finger and around her are seen two fish (one in a bubble) and a butterfly. Her hair turns into light ribbons (like fabrics/yarns/cloth strips) that they invade all the surrounding space. They are two 'faces' of the same woman, two states of mind of a mother nature that does not always we treat as we should. The title is Biophilia. Biophilia literally means love of life, therefore the innate tendency to focus your interest on life and natural processes, with fascination and empathy asymmetric (i.e. participating emotionally in different forms of life).

Vera Bugatti—Biophilia - Part oneVera Bugatti—Biophilia - Part oneVera Bugatti—Biophilia - Part one
Added by the artist.

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