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Created on March 1, 2024
4 Vla d'Anjou, 94430 Chennevières-sur-Marne, France

MARTINET / en chute libre

This incredible migratory bird, often confused with the swallow, is a master of flight and can reach speeds of up to 200 km/h in a dive. It is capable of completing its migratory journey in one go, covering up to 10,000 km. It even sleeps while gliding, carried by updrafts. Swifts primarily nest in building crevices and are threatened by renovation work, as well as the significant decline in the insect population.

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Kalouf—MARTINET / en chute libreKalouf—MARTINET / en chute libreKalouf—MARTINET / en chute libreKalouf—MARTINET / en chute libre
Hunted by Fabe Collage.
Pictures by fabecollage, fabecollage .

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