Abraham de Winter is one of the most popular comedians of the late 19th century. He is considered the forerunner of present-day cabaret. During his performances, the ‘character comedian’ dressed up as a street sweeper, conductor or a doctor. Abraham drew inspiration from his former job as a trader of hay during which he worked with local farmers a lot. His satirical performances and his compassion towards the suffering of fellow citizens, made him loved by both the rich and poor. <BR> <BR> Collin van der Sluijs (NL) was inspired by this story and made a mural behind the former city theatre Concordia. The painting features a song thrush. Like Abraham, this bird is known for its imitations. In addition to its own varied songs, the song thrush can mimic 7 other bird species with ease. <BR> <BR> - Blind Walls Gallery | 2017 -
Hunted by Marco Breda. Pictures by Edwin Wiekens, Rosa Meininger.