A sprawling artwork revolving around social commentary around the legendary rock band, the history of their influence and passion, all as a result of a deep dive into the social history as well as the focus of rock and roll and graffiti culture. A City of Music Laneway Project by the City of Adelaide Council.
It's been a great joy to develop this artwork in response to a band whose music and broader cultural context have been present and relevant to me, throughout my life. I have been able to bring together stories from a broad cross-section of people who all talk about how Cold Chisel has left indelible marks on their lives. I hope this artwork can inspire more people to share their experiences of Cold Chisel and appreciation of the band and their legacy.
Camera used | Canon EOS 200D II |
Date created | 2021-03-26T13:00:00.000Z |
Festival | City of Music Laneway Project |
Marker type | artwork |
City | Adelaide |
Country | Australia |