Created on December 16, 1983
Vestergade 7, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark

Atomkraft? Nej tak

This world renowned logo is created by two persons from Aarhus in 1975 – Anne Lund and Søren Lisberg. In 1983 it got painted on the wall in the city where it still smiles at passers by. 
It is the logo of "Nuclear power? No thank you". 
Since its creation, the logo has been translated into more than 45 languages and used in all sorts of merchandise. 
Anne Lund, Søren Lisberg—Atomkraft? Nej takAnne Lund, Søren Lisberg—Atomkraft? Nej tak
Hunted by Troels ..

Marker details

Camera usedApple iPhone XS
Date created1983-12-16T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork