
Welcome to Patras

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 67 street art masterpieces.

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Ojo de gatoUntitledIN CHAOS FIND JOYSafe PlaceThe enigma of an afternoon in PatrasSpace is only noise if you can seeGigaFind HomePenelopeWith LoveSolidarityThe human is the one who creates the possible700th anniversary since Dante Alighieri’s deathMural 21UntitledRheaBoOoOoOoRebet Artist Patras and his Monkey AngelValley of the EyesDreams Without a PillowUntitledAnother bad hair dayAlice, justice is blindA new DionysusJacob's LadderHermesMelina Merkouri is hereKnowledge belongs to everyoneDesde el barrio al cieloBeethovenEl EncuentroUntitled10th MuseUntitledCupid and PsycheUntitledHere for youYayas GardenUntitledAlone togetherWatertowerHeart (w)HoleUntitledFingers LockedPart of the war again, Thanassi?UntitledUntitledUntitled
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